🌷 How to use Castmagic to grow a Productized Content Business

No green fingers required

In a world where content is king, staying ahead of the curve is crucial.

That's where Castmagic, an innovative AI tool, comes into play.

Especially for copywriters and content creators looking to expand their offerings.

Transform Your Services with Castmagic

As a copywriter or content creator, your goal is to provide value through words.

But what if you could offer more?

Castmagic opens doors to a realm of possibilities.

Here’s how:

  1. For Podcast Content Creation
    Imagine offering a subscription service where you assist podcasters in transforming their episodes into engaging blog posts, social media snippets, and SEO-rich FAQs. With Castmagic, you can easily generate these elements from podcast transcripts, adding immense value to your service.

  2. Content Repurposing Packages
    Offer packages where you repurpose existing audio content into various formats. This could include creating compelling social media posts, detailed blog articles, or even interactive Q&A segments for websites, all derived from a single source.

  3. Regular Engagement Boosts
    Develop a subscription model where you provide regular updates for a podcast's social media channels. Utilize Castmagic to pull out intriguing quotes, create engaging questions for audience interaction, and even draft complete posts, ensuring consistent, high-quality content.

Tangible Examples

  • Subscription Model for Podcast Enhancement
    A monthly subscription where you provide a set number of blog posts, social media content pieces, and FAQs derived from podcast episodes.

  • Weekly Social Media Content Packages
    Offer weekly packages where you generate social media content from a podcast episode, ensuring a steady stream of engaging and relevant posts.

  • One-Off Repurposing Projects
    For those not ready for a subscription, offer a one-time service to repurpose an episode into a comprehensive blog post, a series of social media posts, and an engaging FAQ section.

Why Choose Castmagic?

Castmagic isn’t just a tool; it’s a partner in your creative process.

Automating the tedious parts of content repurposing frees you up to focus on the creative and strategic aspects, allowing you to offer more value to your clients.

This is an invitation to rethink how you offer your services.

With Castmagic, you're not just a copywriter or content creator; you're a multifaceted content strategist, offering comprehensive solutions in a package that's convenient for your clients.

Are you ready to explore these new avenues and elevate your freelance business?

Philip Wallage â€” philipwallage.com
I help you go on holiday without a laptop.
How? By turning your skills into products that sell.

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👉 Heads up, fellow human: I hit 'send' when it fits my schedule, even if that's not 9-to-5. No stress if you're off the clock—reply whenever you like, no rush!

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you

  1. Work with me 1:1 — Book a Coaching Call.

  2. Launchpad 30 — A 30-day DIY Challenge to Productization

  3. Productizer Community — Become a confident and successful creative freelancer.


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