thats write

Does good writing help you stand out?

Writing is a crucial skill for freelancers.

It's how you communicate value to clients, share expertise, and grow your business. Good writing helps you stand out, explain what makes you different, and show why clients should choose you.

In short, it's essential for making your freelance business thrive.

Here are some super simple tips to help you improve your writing, whether for your website, client proposals, or email communications.

Let's get started!

Write every day

Find the best time for you to write every day and stick to it. It could be in the morning before work or at night before bed.

This is your special time to write whatever you want.

Keep It simple

Write as simply as possible. Use short sentences and common words to make your writing easy to understand.

Think about explaining your ideas to a friend who knows nothing about the topic.

Format for readability

Make your writing easy on the eyes. Use:

  • Short paragraphs.

  • Bullet points or numbered lists.

  • Plenty of whitespace.

These formatting tricks help readers scan your text and grasp your main points without getting lost in a wall of text.

It's okay to make mistakes

Your first writing will not be perfect. And that's okay.
Write down your ideas as they come. You can fix mistakes later.

Ask what others think

Show your writing to someone you trust, like a friend or family member. Or better yet, someone who fits the profile of the people you’re writing for.

Listen to their ideas on how to make it better. Don't be upset by their suggestions; they're helping you improve.

Keep trying

Sometimes, people might not like what you write, and that's okay.
Don't give up. Keep writing, and you'll get better and better.

Ready To Escape Your 9 to 5?

Do you feel stuck in your full-time job?

  • Need a simple way to make more money?

  • Want a proven path to leave your corporate prison?

  • Looking to start a side hustle (but don’t know where to begin)?

Then you’re in luck! 

This FREE 5-Step Playbook will help you become a Premium Ghostwriter:

  • How to ghostwrite anything for anyone

  • Create an in-demand ghostwriting offer

  • The exact steps to land your first writing client 

Now it's your turn

With these tips, could you start writing something today?

Remember, the more you write, the better you'll get.

So, grab a pen or open your laptop and start writing.

You have important things to say, and the world is waiting to hear them.

You can do it!

Philip Wallage —
I help you go on holiday without a laptop.
How? By turning your skills into products that sell.

👻 Here’s a Super Secret Link - Spooky!
🛄 Don’t be a stranger—find me on LinkedIn so we can stay connected!

👉 Heads up, fellow human: I hit 'send' when it fits my schedule, even if that's not 9-to-5. No stress if you're off the clock—reply whenever you like, no rush!

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you

  1. Work with me 1:1 — Book a Coaching Call.

  2. Launchpad 30 — A 30-day DIY Challenge to Productization

  3. Productizer Community — Become a confident and successful creative freelancer.

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