Sell your Sawdust

Monetize the byproducts of projects

When you're a freelancer, having a single income stream, be it your regular job or that one big client, is like walking a tightrope without a safety net.

Sure, the walk might be steady now, but what happens if that rope snaps?

This scenario isn’t just hypothetical; it's been happening for decades.

Diversifying your income is not just smart; it’s necessary.

Building a Safety Net with 'Sawdust'

Your everyday projects generate valuable byproducts – your 'sawdust'.

These could be templates, code snippets, design assets, or even the expertise you’ve gathered.

This 'sawdust', often overlooked, is a goldmine.

Let me share with you how I’ve applied this myself.

Learning how to sell

Selling was really hard for me. I did a lot of research and tried many ways to reach out to people. I wrote down everything I learned.

At first, it was just for me. But then, I realized other freelancers find selling hard too.

So, I made a free guide called "Freelancers Lead Generation Roadmap 2.0".

The Monthly Productizer Community Events

Every month, I run small workshops for the Productizer Community.

Tomorrow, we're going to talk about setting goals. I made a special Miro Template for us to use together.

Cool thing is, I can share this template with even more people in Miroverse, a place where people find workshops like ours.

It also brings people to my website. Pretty neat, right?

PS: I'm trying something new with the Starter Membership. Now, you can join it monthly. Want to be part of tomorrow's workshop or one in the future?

Helping Freelancers with Launchpad 30

I've been teaching freelancers how to make their services into products.

To do this, I made a guide I usually go through with people one-on-one.

Now, I turned this guide into a product you can buy, called Launchpad 30.

💡 Turning Your Expertise into Profit

Your projects are more than just client work. They’re a goldmine of tools, methods, and wisdom.

Don’t let these treasures go to waste. Here’s how you can start:

  • Compile your Assets: Gather all those unique methods, templates, and processes you’ve created over time.

  • Build and Engage your Audience: Share your knowledge, offer value, and start collecting email addresses. They’re the backbone of your future product launches.

  • Launch, Learn, and Iterate: Put your products out there, get feedback, and refine. The journey is about evolving.

I hope my story helps you see how much you can do with the work you do every day.

Your talents and the things you make can help you earn more money in different ways.

This means your job isn't just about working for clients.

It's about doing really well as a creative business person.

Let's do things differently and turn our 'sawdust' into great success stories.

The email addresses you collect and the people you connect with will be really important for your own business one day.

Keep being creative and I'll talk to you again soon!

Philip Wallage —
I help you go on holiday without a laptop.
How? By turning your skills into products that sell.

👻 Here’s a Super Secret Link - Spooky!
🛄 Don’t be a stranger—find me on LinkedIn so we can stay connected!

👉 Heads up, fellow human: I hit 'send' when it fits my schedule, even if that's not 9-to-5. No stress if you're off the clock—reply whenever you like, no rush!

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you

  1. Work with me 1:1 — Book a Coaching Call.

  2. Launchpad 30 — A 30-day DIY Challenge to Productization

  3. Productizer Community — Become a confident and successful creative freelancer.

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