🏔️ Business Peaks and Personal Valleys

Facing a panic attack 3,928 kilometers away from home, in the sunny landscapes of Lanzarote, Spain.

Hey there,

I’m writing to you from 3,928 kilometers away from home, in the sunny landscapes of Lanzarote, Spain.

Even here, I recently faced a sudden panic attack.

Why am I sharing this?

Because what followed might just be the playbook you need when your own world feels a bit shaky.

After leaving a secure corporate freelance position and diving into the uncertain waters of Google Ads, the weight of new financial risks really hit me.

Sound familiar? I bet it does.

If you ain’t Croc-ing, you aint rockin’.

We all face those moments of doubt that can shake our foundation.

This morning, I made a choice to shake off the anxiety in a pretty unconventional way: a mountain climb with no shirt, a regrettable beard shave, and a dive into the sea.

It worked. I came back feeling refreshed and with a clearer perspective.

Here's the deal: You might not have a mountain or an ocean handy, but you can still take steps to stabilize your business and your nerves:

  1. Calculate Your Runway: How long can you keep flying with your current fuel? Get a clear picture to ease those nerves.

  2. Revisit Open Leads: There might be gold in those old conversations. Who can you reach out to today that might reignite a spark?

  3. Touch Base with Past Clients: They already love your work. A quick check-in could lead to new projects or referrals.

Despite the bumps, I’m standing strong and my business is thriving.

Now, I’m exploring ways to fortify my mental resilience even further.

Stay strong and inspired.

Remember, even when the ground feels unstable, there are ways to plant your feet firmly and find balance.

And let me know, how do you deal with the stress of your day-to-day and build mental resilience?

Wishing you resilience and success,

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Philip Wallage â€” philipwallage.com
I help you go on holiday without a laptop.
How? By turning your skills into products that sell.

đź‘» Here’s a Super Secret Link - Spooky!
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👉 Heads up, fellow human: I hit 'send' when it fits my schedule, even if that's not 9-to-5. No stress if you're off the clock—reply whenever you like, no rush!

Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you

  1. Work with me 1:1 — Book a Coaching Call.

  2. Launchpad 30 — A 30-day DIY Challenge to Productization

  3. Productizer Community — Become a confident and successful creative freelancer.

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